Woman (33-64) Choose NOT to Work in this Government-Backed, Lucrative Career

Have you heard the news??A Good Paying Job

Do you want to know good paying jobs without degree?

If you haven’t I promise this is going to surprise you. And, I know it’s going to surprise you because when I tell someone this face-to-face I see the look of surprise on their face.

Thus, I know it’s going to surprise you. So I hope you’re sitting down because here comes the insane truth…

Women climb houses and get on roofs.

Boom! #micdrop

Surprised right!?! Here’s another surprise to you,
Being afraid of heights or NOT wanting to climb roofs does not mean you can’t be a field adjuster.

Here’s an example…

I had to meet with a State Farm Adjuster last month. He was injured playing basketball about a year ago. He informed me that SF is not allowing him to climb ladders….

Which means he couldn’t get on the roof.

So, how did he improvise?

Did he…
A) use a drone to take Ariel photos of the roof
B) ask the roofer to take pictures
C) walk around the house and take pictures from the ground
D) Use a ladder assist to take pictures of the roof

This is going to surprise you…

And I’m curious what your answer is, so you can reply to this email to find out the correct answer.

But first, I want to make it clear that just because SOME adjusters work in the field doesn’t mean it should be male-dominated.

The office/desk position pays just as well as the outdoor adjuster position.

Here’s the caveat…

Working in the field ha a few additional benefits. For example, making your own schedule (although you still have to work a required number of appointments or hours).

There are other benefits that include – not having to deal with office politics. But,

  • The negatives exists. 
  • It can be cold. It can be hot.
  • It can be rainy as well.

This is where working inside wins.

And yet, I don’t understand why women choose not to work in a lucrative field. As a woman without kids, living a carefree life I’m assuming it’s the working outside.

But maybe it’s childcare.

If it’s none of these for you, apply to these jobs right now and start making a lucrative salary.

Stay safe, 
Ebahi “Wonder Woman” Ejerekhile

Do you want to know how much insurance adjust make? Follow this link.

P.S. whenever you’re ready… Here are 2 ways you can start and/or grow your adjusting career: 

Working as a staff adjuster can provide additional security but the tradeoff is lower pay. It’s still good money but it’s not the bundles of Independent Adjuster money you might be in it to make. Either way, you’ll need a good resume to get pass the bots that read your resume before a human does. Tweak your resume before you send it – Click here for a free resume review

2. Here’s a Crazy Idea… Let’s meet!

If I can show you how to do a property inspection and inspect for damage would you let me? Awesome! I’ll also show you how to read a policy.  Just provide the property and the policy. This will work even if you aren’t in GA… We’ve been doing virtual inspections since COVID19 hit. So, no matter where you are sign up for a FREE training (especially you desk adjusters). However, space is limited, sign up today by shooting me a message on LinkedIn (It’s my favorite new hangout spot). Use this link to book a session

I hope this article has given you the enough information about good paying jobs without degree.
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